Session Elders

Class of 2026

Top Row:

Amy Meabe

Chris Rasmussen

Doug Blomgren

Bottom Row:

Jerry Johnson

Steve Snodderly

Class of 2027

Top Row:

Jon Bates

Estelle Brunner

Kristine Olson

Bottom Row:

Bill Resley

Sarah Schwab

Pete Vanden Bosch


Class of 2028

Top Row:

Greg Aldrich

Phillip Brooke

Cathy Chang-Lowe

Bottom Row:

Paul Dailey

Kara Morris


Our Session Elders are elected members of the church, elected by the congregation, who serve as spiritual leaders, and guide all aspects of the church’s life.  They work with the congregation and staff to enact the mission of the church, to love God and love our neighbors.

Join Us for Worship Service

Every Sunday at 10:30 am

First Presbyterian Church
1200 SW Alder Street
Portland, Oregon 97205

Tel: (503) 228-7331