All are welcome!

The Presbyterian Church (USA), of which First Presbyterian is a part, works to affirm the worth of all persons, including those in the LGBTQ community. Our church’s governing body, the Session, affirms ours as a welcoming and affirming congregation. All are welcome to join in worship, fellowship, and service! Our PCUSA Mission staff penned this prayer as we continue to work and hope for the reign of God to be established: God of justice, hope, love, and mercy, help us to continually live into the church that you have called us to be. Compel us to stand against injustice wherever it may be found. Provoke us to hold firm to the gospel message of inclusion and equity. And empower us to continually be salt and light in a world that so desperately needs more representation of your Spirit. We love you and [...]


Lectionary Adult Bible Study on Zoom

Every Sunday morning, Dr. Will Deming leads an Adult Bible Study on the lectionary Scripture passages for that day’s worship, using the lectionary. This is a wonderful way to dive into the Scriptures before hearing them in the worship service. Join study class on Zoom on Sundays from 9 – 10 am via this link:(, the Zoom Meeting ID is 922-8513-8816. This is a recurring meeting, the above link can be used until further notice. [...]


Join Us for Worship Service

Every Sunday at 10:30 am

First Presbyterian Church
1200 SW Alder Street
Portland, Oregon 97205

Tel: (503) 228-7331